Hantana Rich-enzyme Honey

Packed with minerals, proteins, and antioxidants, we are pleased to offer you this unique natural treasure. These rare types of honey provide amazing health/therapeutic benefits, thanks to its unique enzyme formation (consisting of 24 building units)

Bees produce these precious types from rare flowers’ nectar, while building their hives at different locations away from these flowers. So, it is very difficult for anyone to spot and recognize such types. Only local villagers – native to these areas – can distinguish and identify these types. In Hantana, however, we depend on lab testing to identify the amazing properties of these natural marvels.
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Mountain Spikes Wildflower Honey

Bees make this incredible honey from the nectar of the wild “Kwisinia Hilari” flowers which grow at high altitude (1700 – 2100 above sea level) on “Sartiz”, “Telkzor”, and “Yazelom” mountains.

 These rare wonderful flower are known for their sharp spikes, rare health benefits, and particularly strong scent

which agracts bees at long miles and distances. However, not all the bees are fortunate to make their way back as some of them die when landing on or leaving these flowers due to their sharp spikes.

Villagers face many risks and challenges trying to reach and collect this honey at this loXy height. They
are usually shocked by the number of dead bees scagered around the flowers.